
about me

A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth.
— Marion Woodman

I am a creative/story facilitator and an artist.

I walk alongside artists of all types to support them to connect with their voice, weave their stories into form, and navigate their creative process. This includes helping writers and filmmakers to develop short and long form literary work, tv series and films, artist’s their visual and digital art, and entrepreneurs their ideas. My own art and writing, currently spoken word poetry and audio drama, explores the ways we navigate webs of identity and relationship, the dynamic tensions between our selves and others.

My creative process and story development practice has grown out of my work in the creative and therapeutic industries, and my own creative process.

I began my career in the Australian film and TV industry working across various roles and long and short form scripted projects. During this time I witnessed the challenges faced by artists developing their ideas and bringing their stories to life, and navigating the challenges of the industry itself. I began working closely and long-term with creatives as a creative producer.

Alongside this work I trained and began practicing as a therapist. In both practices I found myself bearing witness to peoples’ stories and supporting them to connect with themselves, find their voice, and walk their chosen path. 

I became aware of my own hitherto suppressed desire to create and, with the guidance and support of incredible mentors I was able to unblock and start creating. Having considered myself unoriginal, unimaginative, and talentless for most of my life, this was something I had thought impossible.

Through this labyrinthine journey I discovered the transformative power of creativity, storytelling and artmaking and the fundamental role they play in our lives, and the importance of a safe container to navigate our creative and inner work. I discovered my calling to hold space for others on their creative journeys, as I walk my own path.

If we can stay with the tension of opposites long enough — sustain it, be true to it — we can sometimes become vessels within which the divine opposites come together and give birth to a new reality.
 Marie-Louise von Franz

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