

I hold my signature creative process and project development workshop  several times a year, in English and French.

This is a space to connect with yourself and ask, what do I desire to create? What projects do I long to bring into the world… and how can I realise this?

It can be hard to discern your inner voice amongst the cacophony of outer and inner distractions, pulls and pressures; to voice what you want and act on it. It can seem so easy to minimise your dream, or to live someone else’s instead of your own… except for the malaise, and that niggling urge that won’t go away, that curiosity that draws your towards your own dreams…

This is a space to rekindle your creative desire. Connect with the heart of your projects. Contact with your passion, strength, and courage. And bring your projects into form!


I participated in a reconnecting to my creativity workshop with Anna and I would highly recommend the experience to anyone who is feeling disconnected or lost in their creativity.  Anna is a gifted facilitator who promotes inner reflection through the use of unique questions designed to gently disrupt the inner critic, to mobilize the muse and to ignite the inner flame. I left feeling inspired and motivated.  

— Heather

Anna’s creative workshops have been instrumental in understanding not only the essence of my project, but the reason I create in the first place. Concepts such as preparing mentally before jumping into a creative space have redefined my relationship with my creative side, while also keeping it enjoyable and fun.
I have attended several of the workshops, and each and every one has given me a new perspective into the reasons I am drawn to creating and how I approach creating, as well as overcoming roadblocks and challenges that often come up when working on a project.
Anna fosters a calm and inviting environment that engenders a safe space to explore creativity in fun and meaningful ways. I personally love the sharing of other’s relationship and connection to their creative outlets, as well as the supplementary documentation and quotes Anna sends for inspiration after the sessions.

— Jaazaniah

J’ai eu la chance de participer à l’atelier d’ Anna en mode individuel et à distance. Avec beaucoup de douceur, de bienveillance et de flexibilité, dans un cadre sécurisé, à partir de 2 méditations guidées très puissantes, Anna m’a aidé à effleurer mon espace inconscient pour permettre à des symboles, des images et des idées nouvelles d’émerger. Le partage de ses ressentis, ses apports issus de sa formation et de ses lectures ont enrichi les échanges et le tout m’a permis de clarifier le projet qui me tenait profondément à coeur et dont je n’avais pas complètement conscience. Le déroulé très fluide de l’atelier conjuguait  profondeur, légèreté et joie.

— Sandrine

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A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth.
— Marion Woodman


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